Our elementary students also work continuously to memorize classic nursery rhymes, poems, speeches, and other historical works. This fills their minds with meaningful and beautiful content, and it develops in them valuable memorization and public speaking abilities they will build on in upper grades and retain the rest of their lives.
In addition to our diligent focus on core subjects, we introduce our elementary students to Greek and Latin roots. In middle school, they begin a four-year Latin sequence that builds vocabulary, and strengthens grammar and precision in language usage, while fulfilling their language requirements for graduation. Study in the areas of logic and ethics are also important aspects of our secondary program.
In every grade, our students read literature selected from a recognized classical cannon, and develop skills in classical composition. In history, they study Western Civilization, from Greco-Roman times through the Modern Era. Science courses build in high school from Biology in 9th grade to AP Physics by 12th grade. Mathematics progresses through Euclidian Geometry and AP Calculus AB.
Visual Art and Music also have a key place in our program. Experience in the theory, history, and performance elements of these arts helps students to understand and appreciate beauty and builds cultural literacy. At all stages, our students are expected to engage in the fine and performing arts.